
  • Professional affiliations, qualifications, and experience

    Training and CPD

    • CIEP conference (online) – 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. Each of these involves attendance at several important CPD workshops and learning sessions
    • SfEP (now the CIEP) conference – 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
    • SfEP Fiction mini-conference 2019
    • SfEP Fiction Editing Workshop – 2016
    • SfEP Introduction to Fiction Editing – 2015/2016
    • SfEP Copy-editing two – 2014
    • SfEP Brush up your Grammar – 2014
    • SfEP Introduction to Copy-editing – 2013
    • Proofreading Today (Edit Train) – 2013 (Pass with Merit)
    • SfEP Introduction to Proofreading – 2013

     Non-publishing background

    • Retired solicitor with experience in criminal and family law – really useful for crime and police procedural novels!
    • Freelance representative for international probate research company – April 2012 to September 2014
    • Advocate with the Independent Panel for Special Education Advice – 1999-2004
    • Voluntary support work with the National Childbirth Trust – 1995-2002
    • Degree in Psychology; ‘A’ Levels in British Government & Politics, French, R.E., General Studies (I know, these were a very long time ago …)
    • Mother of four grown-up children and grandmother to two adorable little boys



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