Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

I am a registered sole trader operating as Lesley Jones, Fiction Editor and Proofreader, with the business name Perfect the Word. I offer copyediting and proofreading services to authors and publishers. My client/customer base is worldwide.

This policy describes how I protect and make use of the information you give me.

If you are asked to provide information, it will only be used in ways stated in this policy.

This privacy policy was last updated on 10 June 2024.

Why do I collect data from you?
I gather and use certain information about you in order to:

  • respond to your requests for information (e.g. my availability or a quote for editorial services)
  • allow me to contact you while an editing project is ongoing
  • enable certain functions on this website
  • better understand how visitors use this website

What information do I collect from you?
I collect the following minimal information:

  • name
  • contact postal address
  • email address
  • information pertinent to your enquiry (e.g. word count, nature of project, whether you’re an author or a publisher)

How do I use this data?
The data I collect is used as follows:

  • For my internal accounting processes (e.g. so I can invoice you) and so that I am compliant with my tax authority (HMRC) should it request an audit.
  • To contact you in response to your enquiry, order, quote, or booking.
  • To give you access to content that resides on my website.
  • To record your agreement to the terms and conditions of my editorial services (normally by payment of my first invoice per project).

I will never use this data for marketing or promotion purposes without getting your permission in writing first (for example, to publish your testimonial for me on my website).

How do I use cookies?

A cookie is a small file placed on your computer’s hard drive. It enables my website to identify your computer as you view different pages on my website.

Cookies do not provide me with access to your computer or any information about you other than that which you elect to share with me.

You can use your web browser’s cookie settings to determine how my website uses cookies. If you do not want my website to store cookies on your computer or device, you can amend your settings. Please note that this may affect how my website functions, and some pages may become unavailable to you.

How do I collect your personal data?
I collect and store minimal information via the following forms:

  • Contact form (via WordPress)
  • Email (via British Telecom)

I will never lease, distribute or sell your information to third parties unless you give me written permission to do so, or I am required to do so by law.

You can ask me to remove your data from WordPress at any time.

How do I store your personal data?
The minimal information I collect is stored on the following data servers:

  • WordPress. This is my website host. It is password-protected and has SSL-certification (https) to provide an additional layer of security. You can access WordPress’s privacy policy here.
  • Microsoft OneDrive. This is my cloud-based file management system accessed via my password-protected computer. You can access OneDrive’s privacy policy here.
  • PayPal. This is the password-protected online payment service I use for editorial-services clients who elect not to be invoiced via direct bank transfer. All PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy. Your data will used for accounting purposes only and will never be divulged to third parties.
  • BT Mail. This is the UK-based password-protected server I use to communicate via email. You can access BT’s privacy policy here.

How long do I keep your data for?
Because many of my customers and clients work with me more than once, I do not delete data unless specifically requested to do so.

  • HMRC requires me to keep records for ‘at least 5 years after the 31 January submission deadline of the relevant tax year’. See ‘How long to keep your records‘.
  • Please ask if you want me to delete or amend your records. As long as I’m complying with HMRC’s legal requirements, I’ll action your request immediately.

With whom is your data shared?
No one, unless you request that I do so in writing, or HMRC elects to audit my business.

Contact me
If you have any questions or requests for modification or removal of your data, you are welcome to email me at or write to me at Lesley Jones, The Saddlers, Park Lane, Pulford, Chester CH4 9HB.


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